The most desired on the long list of things man seeks to have is the
freedom to do as he pleases without an external force to interfere or
steer the wheel of his decisions. This can be expressly call LIBERTY.
Its most however, be noted that Man as a being with the power of
choice loves to exercise his liberty.
"As there are two sides to a coin also are there two sides to
liberty." Taking a keen scrutiny at the concept of liberty we can
squarely say that it's existence has brought about the greatest
inventions and incidences because if one lacks or is lacking any of
the basic forms of liberty one will be confined to a line of thinking.
The basic forms of liberty i.e physical and emotional liberty in
action paved way for the likes of Albert Eistein, Isaac Newton,
Socrates, Plato, Da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo and so many others
inventing, propounding and writing the then impossible things .
Also, on the tree of liberty lies the fruit of free will.
Candidly speaking, the lack of any of the two forms of liberty is
unconsciously depicted in our every of our engagements as beings. This
leads to the deficiency of liberty or any of its forms. As the lack of
carbohydrate leads to kwashiokor so does the deficiency of liberty
leads to things like out stepping boundaries,misinterpreting basic
rules and norms, confusion of aim and selfish goals.
A perfect examples of these are the terrorists. The liberty in the
world has clouded their judgment and blinded them to see through
others' eyes. One of the price we pay for liberty is the urge to feel
important and one might use the liberty given as a means of exercising
and passing the "I'm free to do anything" in a bad way.
Dale Carnegie once said in his words that to everything that man does
is a goal to feel important. But few really understand that what he
meant by that is liberty can make one do and undo so one must be
To whom much is given much is expected liberty is a gift,one
musn't use it in a way that will hurt other people's right to exercise
their liberty.
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