Monday, 15 May 2017


(Written By: David O. AKANO)

The first night was too decent
To accommodate the presence of death
In the neighbourhood; household.
It started with the betrayal of the nature
Freezing the whole air like it's gonna be
The last for even the king that just got crowned.

The compound kept themselves tidy
The webs tangles the neck of the web-maker
And the utensils stays calm; cold
Just like the foot of a strangled mermaid.
I still heard the cock crowing so loud,
Malomo our goat bleating so tough;
While Aja ode barks without a prey in sight.

The soft air was too strange
Since it started slapping the windows
Of all rooms scaring away the voices
Of the mouse that sing their song of betrayal
Beside, behind and between my pillow.

The strange voice of kowe penetrating the
Cracks of the wall sent away the sleeping lizards;
Disturbance of the mind overcoming disturbance of
the ear.
There I still was on the mud bed struggling
With sleep like it's time to struggle for
The breath of life.

All these signs I knew nothing of.
If in a case the happenings remains a mystery
Then we go in with the old ones.
Up I stood to ask mama if
There will still be peace in the air,
Planning to ask if the cloud 'll forgive the
Moon and allow it to stay a little longer
Before it's light fades with the firmament.

I tried hard to find my lost ways to mama's bosom,
To put my head on her left breast and ask her,
There was no beat to usher in my steps.
No move to rob my scared back;
There mama was; lifeless.

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