Thursday, 2 June 2016



My aim for attempting to share my understanding on this subject is to
buttress and also emphasize the importance, value or worth of the word
When I speak of vision, (permit my personalization) i speak of the
existence of an ability which enables a man to be able to forsee the
end from the beginning.
Inotherwords, when i say vision, i mean foresight. When i say vision;
i refer to the presence and availability of direction. To crown it,
when i say vision; i speak of assured victory.
Wondering why i related the above mentioned to vision? The synonymous
relation simply depicts and buttresses the fact that they are some of
the features as well as benefits embedded in having a vision.

What then does it mean to have a vision?

To have a vision is to have gotten a conviction which is prompted by a
realization and understanding of purpose. Inotherwords, vision could
be said to be an evidence, a proof that an individual has encountered

Is that to say that there is no vision outside purpose?
No doubt there exists substitutable varieties nevertheless, i will be
concerning myself with the kind of vision which i choose to call "the
genuine vision". Its so named because its destination or end product
protrudes something that the counterfeit will never be able to give

OVER the years i'eve heard people speak of the elevated and majestic
nature of money. The last i heard they said her purchasing power has
added so much weight that she can now at will purchase love for
Nevertheless, it remains a maxim that money or any other materialistic
commodity will never be able to purchase fulfillment. Fulfillment in
life can basically and majorly be gotten by working in line with a
vision that has its roots in purpose.
As i share my understanding of the subject, you should know that in
doing this I'm assuming the position of one who it could be said have
been a victim of experience.

How then can i get a vision?
Having established the fact that there are visions and there is a
vision. I must now buttress that to get the genuine vision one must
first have an understanding of the purpose for his or her existence.

How do you mean?
You must have been able to answer certain salient questions like;
who am I? what am i to do or what was i created to do? etc.
To get the genuine vision, you need to get for yourself purpose.

What then does it mean to have purpose?

To have purpose is to have encountered a revelation which in turn
brings to lime-light a realization or understanding of the reason for
your existence.
I won't go into the definition because i believe you must have heard
of predestination; that which has been designed or written before the
inception of a child.

Nonethele, i must lay emphasis on the God factor. "To get a genuine
vision you need purpose; to get purpose you need God.
My point is whether or not you like it, take it or leave it, there is
no purpose outside God.
The unwillingness of many to accept this, is the reason counterfeit
subsistitutes have been successfully and deceitfully sold out to them
by the devil and his agents.
In that you hear them say; I know i have a vision. I mean i visited so
and so and he relayed who i am and what i am to do to me.

But i tell you this, take it or leave it, vision comes with conviction
and the conviction that comes with the genuine vision is a product of
you having come to an understanding of God's plan for your life.
It is you, individually and personally who has to understand not
someone else doing the understanding for you.

When someone else understands your vision than you do then its no more yours.

As i conclude, i must emphatically emphasize that there is no purpose
outside God. If you desire to discover his purpose for your existence
then I would advice that you move closer to him.
Inquire of him and he will reveal to you the genuine path.

* Purpose comes with a vision and the vision that accompany's it is genuine.

* When someone else understands your vision than you do then its no
longer yours.

Thanks for taking time out to join me on the Discovery Series i trust
you've been blessed.


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