Sunday, 14 February 2016


Leaning on my toes all I beheld was a glimpse
Yet the picture created seemed flimsy
I followed the path but discovered naught but shrubs
In contrast to the image I imagined of tress
The water seems not any better than streams
In contrast to the image I imagined of seas
The atmosphere wasn't any different
Twa's full of winds as against the expected cool breeze
Thinking beneath the earth would be better
Disappointed I was when all I encountered were hazes in contrasts to heats

Above the earth seems promising
Heard its filled with bodies in the heavenlies
The images of her creatures lingered in my thought
Unfortunately there's no way through which I could reach these abode
I have to resign and make do with beneaths

Making the glimpses become see
Allowing the flimsies become images
The shrubs grow into forests
The streams like-wise overflows to become oceans
The wind now whirlwinds
The hazes now soaring as it begins to raise things

Making it huge from the things which look minute
That's why its called titanic
Not obstructing the ones there initially.


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